Wednesday 17 August 2016

4 Reasons to Use Direct Mailing This Holiday Season

In fact, direct mail has the highest rate for gaining new customers: 34%, leading email at 25% and search engine marketing at 10% success, according to Target's Marketing Media Usage Forecast. If the numbers aren't enough, read on to discover why direct mail marketing is a great option for your business.

A Personal Touch
Direct mail has a certain personal feel that will never be achieved with an email or online advertisement. The mail can only be received at home, not while sitting in traffic, listening to music and worrying about the light changing -- making it much more effective at capturing your customer's attention. And, the stats prove ide:  USPS's Deliver Magazine reported that 47% of U.S households read catalogs, and only 19% discard them without reading.
Promoting your company by direct mailing will help you tap into a new market, and will give you company that genuine feel that can be so attractive to possible customers.
Get Your Customers Excited
By using direct mail this holiday season you can tap into the excitement that makes the season so great. Advertisements online might can seem shallow, profit-driven, and overbearing. Direct mail, however, is less over-done, and therefore potentially more effective.
Feature holiday specials and deals targeting various members of your audience; parents, siblings, friends, etc. According to USPS direct mail stats, 12-15% of people went to the company's website and made a purchase after receiving a letter or catalog.
Offer special coupons to direct mail recipients that they couldn't otherwise get online or through your email campaign. Exclusivity is key to any form of advertising.
Stand Out from the Rest
So many companies advertise their promotions online that nowadays it is easier to stand out from the crowd by mailing your offers directly. Most people are overly bombarded with advertisements in their email and social networks; direct mail could be the one thing that sets you apart.

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In fact, 14.4 trillion emails were sent in 2009, 81% of which was considered spam, and 177 billion letters were sent and only 47% was considered junk (Pingdom). People are also much more likely to put aside and keep offers or coupons that are mailed to them physically, whereas on a website they are likely click through to the next page.
Cost Effectiveness
Despite what many think, printing and sending direct mail is actually the less expensive option in many cases. It is also more eco-friendly than you may think, as nearly 80% of U.S. paper mills use recovered fiber for their products (NCASI Environmental Footprint Comparison Tool).

Many printing services offer package deals around the holiday season. Sending out postcards, brochures, or flyers could greatly increase your customer base.
Mass-mailing rates are also available to direct mailing campaigns to cut down on the price of postage.
Designing and organizing the graphics on your direct mail is a simple process, and often times less time-consuming than creating animated pop-up ads for online adverts.

The holidays are a great time to take advantage of the excitement and traditional feel of the season. According to, those who receive at least one catalogue spend 28% more and buy 28% more items than those who do not. Having a direct mailing campaignmight be the one tactic that will set your company apart from its competitors, and lead to a boom in business this holiday season.

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